Macbook pro 2011 hard drive removal
Macbook pro 2011 hard drive removal

(If you can find a 4TB laptop drive that’s no higher than 9.5mm, you’re good.)īut I did find a number of people discussing an issue between 20 related to this and similar models: a drive-interface standard mismatch, despite seeming compatibility.

macbook pro 2011 hard drive removal

I researched again to make sure there wasn’t a known controller flaw or limitation, and there wasn’t. I tweeted about this frustration on my latest failure, and my friend Alanna asked: are you sure this laptop model can accept a 1TB drive? I was sure! Or so I thought. I tried with three drives from two manufacturers, and only her Apple-supplied drive would work. If it were a drive controller or cable problem, we should have seen this happen before, or at least after I returned the original drive into its slot. Sometimes, not right away others times, immediately at boot. But the minute I popped the new 1TB drive into the laptop and restarted, things went haywire. No biggie, right? Using an external drive enclosure, I’d clone her drive. I’ve done this dozens of times for desktop and laptop Macs over the years. You pop a few screws on the underside, disconnect the battery (optional, but sensible), and then remove the drive interface cable and a few mounting and locking screws. Apple used to make it relatively easy to pop a new 2.5-inch drive, and this model wasn’t an exception.

macbook pro 2011 hard drive removal

Macbook pro 2011 hard drive removal upgrade#

(It all works fine for me now.)Ī drive upgrade seemed a logical and easy course.

macbook pro 2011 hard drive removal

She prefers to not use iCloud for sync and storage, especially after watching me wrestle with problems over the years. My wife’s late-2011 MacBook Pro remains in generally good condition, but she started to bump up against the storage limits of its 500GB drive, between iPhone photos and videos and her music collection. It was baffling, irritating, and inexplicable. See more details at the end of the article. Correction: The model of laptop my wife has has a SATA III controller, but Apple supplied only a SATA II drive with it and the controller will not support any of several SATA III-only drives installed.

Macbook pro 2011 hard drive removal